Office. Medical. Historic. Consulting.

The Bush School, Upper School Building

THE bush school, UPPER SCHOOL building

CLIENT: The Bush School

SIZE: 18,600 SF

VALUE: Confidential


  • Owner-vendor leadership

  • Board presentations

  • Design leadership

  • Permit strategy and development 

  • Budget and schedule management 

  • Construction leadership 


The Bush School is an independent K-12 school located in Seattle, Washington. Bush was founded in 1924 and currently enrolls more than 700 students. The Board and school leadership approved the construction of a new building to address their expanding high school growth and engaged BP to lead the project.  

The Upper School Building project is a three-story, 20,000 square foot building and includes 10 classrooms, a 400 seat multipurpose events room, grab-and-go kitchen, multiple break-out areas for student discussion and collaboration, and a Student Life Center as the prominent focus near the entry. Overall the space holds 180 students and staff.. The primary structure is Mass Timber. 

The key challenge on this project was timing; BP was engaged after initial project launch and planning. The team on-boarded quickly, established a stable budget and core project processes, and with Board and School approval the project team moved forward with confidence. The project completed on schedule and under budget. Multiple additional challenges included addressing the concrete strike by local truck drivers, delays of city inspections, and procurement obstacles for the required project materials. 

Environmental recognition and certifications include Passive House, Net-Zero electrical consumption, and Salmon Safe. This project is the first Passive House certified school in the country.

The project has been highly recognized by the design and construction industries and has received awards from:

  • AIA Honor Award – The highest level AIA award

  • AIA Energy In Design Award 

  • Engineering News Northwest for Best K-12 Education, and Safety